The statutory sick pay (SSP) rebate scheme has been a crucial financial support for companies navigating their way through the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
It was reintroduced in January 2022 to give support to employers with fewer than 250 employees, by reimbursing SSP for members of staff who were absent due to coronavirus or self-isolation. Employers can apply for reimbursement of up to two weeks per employee and with high levels of self-isolation and thousands of workdays lost across the country to COVID-19, it’s no surprise that the reimbursements have been essential to the survival of some businesses.
However, as the restrictions around isolation begin to relax, the payments are now due to end. Here, Don Mallett, Financial Controller, Payroll and IT Manager at Beatons, explains the changes ahead.
What will change?
Employers will no longer be able to claim back SSP for staff who are absent after March 17, 2022, and the usual SSP rules will return from March 25.
SSP is paid at the rate of £95.35 a week and employers will now have to fund any absence related to covid themselves after this date.
As an employer, you are required to pay SSP from the fourth qualifying day your employee is off sick, regardless of the reason for their absence.
What happens next?
There’s still time to make COVID-19 related SSP reimbursement claims but time is of the essence.
Employers have until March 24 to submit any final claims or make any amends to ongoing claims which have already been submitted.
More details
It should be noted that the current scheme of reimbursements covers current or past employees who were absent on or after December 21, 2021. Employers can make more than one claim per employee but cannot claim for more than two weeks in total.
What now?
All claims must be submitted by March 24. Check if you can make a claim and how to claim via the government website.
If you would like advice on what to do next or help with making your claim on time, please get in touch via or call 01473 659777.